smart wife how to

A newly married woman was sitting on a chair, looking vexed, when her husband came home. "What's up? why do you look so troubled?" the husband asked. the woman replied, "i'm so sorry. i was ironing your new suit and burned a hole in your trousers." and the man said,"that is all right. i have another pair that is exactly the same."
"thank God you do. i used it to mend this pair," the wife responded.

very funny right.

Maybe the explanation is that even the most stupid men realize they’d be better off with a spouse, but it takes a woman of above-average intelligence to reach the same conclusion. The advantages certainly aren’t as obvious for women as they are for men. But perhaps smart women realize they’ll be better off in a relationship than if they remain single — at least in the second-half of their lives. Indeed, it’s possible that smart women, having made this calculation, then deliberately select partners who are less intelligent than them because they can bend them to their will more easily, ideally without them realising.

One thing I find reassuring about this formula is that it means I don’t need to worry about my own “perfect wife” leaving me. I am among the small minority of men willing to admit that my wife is far, far more intelligent than me — at least 27 per cent. Up until now, I’ve been worried that this means the penny will eventually drop and she’ll realise she could do considerably better — I’m 11 years older than her and she’s so much better-looking people meeting us for the first time always look puzzled and assume I must be enormously rich or something. Are these fears are misplaced? I certainly hope so.

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